The Independent World New Service
(IWNS) was founded in 1954 in direct response to the accusations, and actions,
of Senator Joseph "Tail Gunner Joe" McCarthy (1954) during the
"McCarthy Hearings" held under the auspices of the Senate Committee
on Government Operations, and it's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
IWNS was the brainchild of inventor, aircraft manufacture and philanthropist Gregory Lennart. When Lennart saw
Sen. McCarthy beginning to abuse his position as chairman of the Subcommittee
on Investigations, and use it as his personal "witch hunt" against
many of America's costumed heroes (many of whom had served honorably in WWII),
as well as other high profile citizens, he was disgusted.
The turning point for Lennart was when
he saw how the American popular press was happily regurgitating every spurious,
salacious and, malicious accusation made against these people by the committee,
and luxuriating in the higher and higher revenues that their yellow journalism brought
He concluded that the American people,
and the world, needed and unbiased and independent source of news and
information to help them form their own opinions on the goings on in Congress,
and to help protect and restore the reputations of those, citizens and heroes Sen.
McCarthy’s had targeted in order to further his political career.